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Welcome to
IG Magic Wood

Building a Better More Sustainable Future For This World Class Bouldering Area

Helping to preserve Magic Wood in the longterm. We aim to conserve our beautiful nature for now and the next generation so the bouldering are of Magic Wood can be enjoyed for many years to come. Be part of an extraordinary climbing community and add local value to this area.

What is the IG Magic Wood?

The IG Magic Wood stands as a connection link between the community council, the community locals, the climbers and visitors of Magic Wood and Bodhi Camping.


We are a recently formed collection of passionate locals and regular visitors of Magic Wood who strive towards the longevity, sustainability and preservation of this beautiful bouldering area. The IGMW are focussed on the recultivation and safeguarding of nature in the bouldering area of Magic Wood as well as the communication between the visitors/tourists and the Val Ferrera community council so all parties involved can get along and enjoy the beauty of this valley together.


We aim to implement and develop our concepts towards the betterment of Magic Wood and as we progress we will update our projects page accordingly for those who want to be kept in the loop. Currently we are also looking to expand the board members as we feel a wider range of knowledge/insight will surely help in our vision, as well as encourage all those who feel they can help to reach out, be it as volunteers, sponsors or professionals in their fields that align with our direction.


Thank you for taking interest in our cause and we look forward to see you in the woods in the future. 


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